Idaho Gives


Over 110 supporters made a gift during our 2021 Idaho Gives campaign! Thanks to all of you, we were able to meet our $10,000 matching donation challenge and surpass our total goal! 

We are so grateful for your support of our education programs to make sure the lessons of Minidoka are available to be learned in classrooms and living rooms everywhere. Your support will help us implement our new 7th-12th grade educational curriculum based on the first person experiences of WWII Japanese American incarceration survivors, and will sponsor free school bus transportation for field trips for students to experience the power of place-based learning at Minidoka National Historic Site. 

In addition to those listed, several donors wished to remain anonymous. 

Mary Abo in honor of Shonosuke and Nobu Tanaka 

Robyn Achilles 

Natalia Arai in honor of the Arais, incarcerated at Minidoka 

Virgie Arambarri 

Chris Bean 

Nancy Benson 

Gary Bohlen in honor of Dale and Pauline Bohlen, homesteaders in 1948 

Boise Valley Japanese American Citizens League 

Miyoko Brunner in honor of Carol Brunner 

Kerry K. Carnahan in memory of Frank H. Kawahara 

Bob and Kathy Chatterton 

Debra Chivers 

Sarah May Clarkson 

Brenda Izumi Creed in memory of Dennis Creed 

Mia Crosthwaite 

Jeannie Driscoll 

Ken and Marsha Edwards in honor of Kanee and Minoru Takahashi and family 

David Fujioka 

Yoshiko Fujita 

Lisa Guerrero 

Christine M. Higurashi 

Kats and Alice Hikido in memory of Shonosuke and Nobu Tanaka 

David and Michelle Hirai 

Denise Hutchins 

Randy Imai in honor of Shiro Imai and Chieko Aono-Imai 

Mike Iseri 

Grant Jacobson 

Barbara Johns in honor of Sandy Kita, grandson of Takuichi Fujii 

Wayne Kanemasu 

Bob and Janet Keegan 

Lois Kennedy in memory of Nasuo Hashiguchi 

Neil King in honor of Dr. Robert Sims 

Atsushi Kiuchi in memory of John Ryotaro Kiuchi 

Nami Koida 

Meta Kortum 

Sheldon Kuwana 

Kelsea Larsen 

Abba’s Storehouse Foundation in honor of Teresa Tamura and her passionate work in preserving this history 

Beth and Mike Markley 

Connie Masuoka 

Nannette Mcgrath 

Stacy and Victor Mizumori 

Shawn Newman 

Harvey and Kathy Nishimura in memory of Tok and Emiko Nishimura 

Janis Ogawa in memory of Fumi Hayashida Ogawa 

Lisa Shiosaki Olsen in honor of Hero, Mike, and Jun Shiosaki 

Charlotte Omoto 

Roy Ouchida 

Madeline Parker in honor of Dorothy Sato 

Lynn Fuchigami Parks 

Jim Pearre and Diane DeRocher 

Debra Peters 

Marcia Rogers in memory of Tomiko and Hajime Nakashima 

Mary Rothenbuhler 

David Russell 

Juanita Russell 

Mia Russell 

Teiko Saito 

Linda Saito in memory of Maki Okawara 

Frank Sesek 

Kirsten Severud 

Pat Shelton 

Geraldine Shu in memory of Tsuyoshi and Yayoi Inouye 

Barb Silverstein 

Betty Sims in memory of Robert C. Sims 

Kimi Smith 

Ken and Sue Sogabe in memory of Tom and Dorothy Hirai 

Rich Suyehira 

Kelsey Suyehira 

Eugene M. Tagawa 

Mark Takagi in honor of the Anzai Family 

Vicki Takahashi 

Amber Tanaka in memory of John Tanaka 

Kelsey Tanigawa 

Rachel Thieme 

Danielle Tillman in honor of the Kawasaki Family 

Nancy Ukai 

Olivia VanTrease in honor of Toshimi Ogata 

Christina Wakatsuki 

May Watari (Kinoshita) in memory of Masaki/Yachiyo Kinoshita and Family 

Tricia (Yamamoto) Waters & Family in honor of Nobu Yamamoto Family 

Lauren Waude and Sam Hamilton 

Julia Welch 

Martha Williams 

Brooke Willoughby 

Mike Wissenbach 

Gloria Y in memory of the Kawasaki Family 

Keith Yamaguchi 

Kristy Yamamoto 

Roy Yamamoto 

Judith Yamamoto 

Teresa Yata 

Scott Yuki


Minidoka 2021 Virtual Education Series


Summer Hours at Minidoka National Historic Site