Send a Note of Gratitude to South Idaho Parks Staff

Some of South Idaho Parks staff at Friends of Minidoka’s Volunteer Clean Up Day at Minidoka National Historic Site in May 2024.

Friends of Minidoka would like to thank our National Parks Staff at Minidoka National Historic Site, Craters of the Moon, and Hagerman Fossil Beds (together form the South Idaho Parks unit) who care for Minidoka NHS.

Please send a note of gratitude and encouragement to our National Parks South Idaho Parks Staff as they navigate these difficult times with professionalism and fortitude.

We are eternally grateful to the dedicated and hard working federal employees who preserve and protect vital cultural and environmental resources which speak to who we are as a nation.

Send a note HERE.


Friends of Minidoka joins NPCA in letter to Congress


Update: Federal Directives and Impact on Minidoka NHS